Marquette Senior High School Eighth Grade Orientation 

Class of 2029

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 10:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. at
Marquette Senior High School. 

Early dismissal at 10:45 a.m. for MSHS students in 9-12th grades on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. 

8th Grade Parent Orientation date is on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 6:00 p.m in the MSHS Little Theater.

Marquette Senior High School students will have an early dismissal on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 10:45 a.m. to allow the MSHS staff to host Eighth Grade Orientation. Busing will be provided for our 9-12th grade students immediately following our 10:45 a.m. dismissal. Lunch will not be served to high school students. 

Marquette Senior High School is hosting an Eighth Grade Orientation to welcome students from Father Marquette, Bothwell Middle Schools, and any other interested current 8th grade students from the area on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, from 10:45 a.m. until 2:15 p.m. at MSHS. Busing arrangements will be provided by Marquette Area Public Schools for 8th grade students currently attending Father Marquette and Bothwell Middle Schools. 

The Orientation will include an MSHS campus tour, a full menu lunch in the cafeteria, an overview of freshmen classes, a scavenger hunt, and an introduction to organizations, activities, and athletics. The MSHS faculty and students will serve as tour guides and class presenters.

On Wednesday evening, January 29, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. all parents of eighth grade students are invited to attend a parent orientation in the MSHS Little Theater. Topics of discussion at the parent orientation include an overview of the graduation requirements and the academic programs we provide. We will also present opportunities of support and advancement and we will provide information on the many organizations, activities, and athletic sports available at MSHS. There will also be time dedicated to address parent questions and concerns. 

Bothwell and Father Marquette 8th grade students do not need to register for this orientation. Please contact Marquette Senior High School’s assistant principal, Amanda Erspamer, at 225-5351 or email [email protected] if you have any questions or wish to register your homeschool or out of district 8th grader for this Orientation.



As the holidays and winter break approach, stay up-to-date with the latest news by checking out our District newsletter. You can access the December edition here. If the link doesn’t work, simply copy and paste the following address into your browser: 
We value your input! If you have any ideas or suggestions for future newsletters, please feel free to email us at [email protected].


Mental Health Resources
Our students’ mental health is of the utmost priority and grief can be difficult to manage for us all. We know that many of the supports at MAPS are limited to the school day/year. However, your child’s wellbeing and safety are our top priority twenty-four hours a day. If you have questions or need additional resources at home, please consider the following:
Read More about Mental Health Resources

Notice Regarding Use of Marquette Area Public Schools Facilities

Please be advised that the Marquette Area Public Schools prohibits outside individuals and groups from using its facilities, including parking lots and school grounds, as a forum for advocacy of commercial, political, or social views. Although the District does not prohibit private speech between individuals in this regard, it has never previously, nor will it now, open the above facilities for use for the above purposes, regardless of the viewpoint expressed. Activities such as speeches, leafletting, marketing, canvassing, protesting, and rallying at the above facilities are strictly prohibited.

In this regard, Board Policy 3308 states, in relevant part, that:

District facilities may be used to advertise or distribute printed information for commercial or promotional purposes (“Advertisement”) in accordance with this Policy. An approved Advertisement does not reflect the District’s approval or endorsement of any product, organization, service, or issue referenced in the Advertisement.


A non-student group Advertisement may not reference a political candidate or ballot question.

As a result, the school parking lot is not considered an open public forum and therefore may not be used for producing or disseminating to the community any materials that advertise or promote a political party, a political cause, or the candidacy or recall of an individual in public office.

Your cooperation in this regard is appreciated. Should you have questions, please contact Superintendent Zack Sedgwick at 906-225-4200. 

MSHS New Logo
Dear MAPS Students, Staff and Families: As part of a special meeting on Monday night, the MAPS Board of Education unanimously approved a new “alternate” logo created by MSHS alumnus and graphic designer Matt Sia. He is currently the Creative Director of Pearlfisher - a global brand design agency, where he applies two decades of industry experience working with iconic brands. During Monday’s meeting, Mr. Sia presented to the Board and outlined his process to create the new and exciting design, which incorporates many of the themes heard from our students and community throughout the rebranding process...
Read More about MSHS New Logo
MSHS Nickname Rebranding TimeLine
For details on the Rebranding Timeline, please click "Read More" below
Read More about MSHS Nickname Rebranding TimeLine